The Reason Why Ocean's 13 Has an Asian-Themed Casino

The Reason Why Ocean's 13 Has an Asian-Themed Casino

This clip is from the DVD movie extras for Ocean’s 13. As producer Jerry Weintraub is walking us around the casino set, he explains why the inside of The Bank casino looks the way it does.

“It’s Asian-themed because there is no casino that we know of in Las Vegas that’s Asian so we decided to have an Asian theme.”Err, apart from Imperial Palace perhaps? They haven’t knocked it down yet. OK so I know there’s a few red-herrings thrown in to confuse you as to what their theme actually is, like the collection of classic American cars and the Hawaiian Luau, but it’s definitely meant to be Asian. It even says so in Wikipedia, and that’s almost never wrong.
If the roof doesn’t convince you…

imperial palace at night

…there’s dragons out front. What more does it need?

imperial palace dragons

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